WHMCSModule Networks - Documents

Category - Module Changelogs

Changelogs of Hetzner Cloud Automation for WHMCS

v2024.1 (v3.1)
Release Date: 15 April 2024
Bug Fixes:
[Fixed] -  If a volume is ordered along with the VPS it was showing an error which is now fixed

[Added] - Support for PHP 8.2 with Ioncube v13
[Added] - Support for WHMCS 8.9.x and 8.10.x
v2023.3 (v3.0)
Release Date: 22 October 2023
Bug Fixes:
[Fixed] - An issue that could lead to a JavaScript error when changing passwords from the client area.
[Fixed] - A problem occurring during a Cloud instance rebuild, password change, rescue enabling, and disabling, which resulted in emails being sent to the wrong user.
[Fixed] - Addressed a bug where virtual machines (VMS) with the incorrect architecture (x86 or arm) were created from the wrong image. Now, plan-specific architecture OS images will be added to Configurable Options.
[Fixed] - An issue with bandwidth usage information not updating properly after migrating from a server-based system to a custom field-based one.

[Added] - When listing OS Images and ISO images in the client area, the system will now only display supported OS images and ISOs, eliminating duplicate entries.
[Added] - Renamed the "AlmaLinux" image from "almalinux.svg" to "alma.svg."

New Features:
[Added] - Procuring VPS instances from a pre-existing list and immediately allocating them to the specified users.
[Added] - Configurable options and custom fields are now automatically created or edited when adding a new plan from the addon module page, eliminating the need for manual configuration.
[Added] - In the Product/Services section under "Your Hetzner Cloud Product" -> "Modules settings," the ability to change the plan name is now disabled, and the option to create Configurable Options is hidden to prevent duplicate entries. To create them, you must remove any product-specific configurable options if desired.
[Added] - When terminating, delete the custom field entries from the table.
[Added] - Support for WHMCS 8.8.x
v2023.2 (v2.9)
Release: 28.08.23
[Fixed] - Issue with auto termination through WHMCS cron job where it was giving fatal error/ was not terminating VPS even after due date
[Fixed] - Design view issue with lagom2 theme
[Added] - Support for WHMCS 8.7.x
v2023.1 (v2.8)
Release: 09.1.23
[Fixed] - Issues with auto suspend, i.e now its replaced with module cron job
[Added] - Migrated from servers based product to custom field based product, and its being migrated automatically
[Added] - New Client Area design for CPU, RAM, DISK and Location, also added username field
[Added] - Now you can choose Application during intial order process
[Added] - In Product's module setting page default location will populate based on the package you select, this is further fixed package unavalable issue
[Added] - During Configurable Option creation, it will add available locations based on the package you select
v2022.3 (v2.7)
Release: 19.11.2022
[Fixed] - Fixed issues as per PHP 8.1.x for WHMCS v8.6.x
[Added] - Now module will auto suspend on Overdue payments after X days and Terminate after X days (You need to enable auto suspend and auto terminate in module settings)
[Removed] - Removed the VM management from addon page for admins
v2022.2 (v2.6)
Release: 19.10.2022
[Added] - Code optimized for better performance
[Added] - Support for WHMCS v8.6.x
[Added] - Now you can view list of Plans/ Packages provided by Hetzner in addon module page and import them to your WHMCS as product, it reduces a lot of manual effort
[Added] - Now you can sell extra Bandwidth to your customers
[Added] - Support for lagom2 theme 
[Removed] - Removed the minimize/ maximize so that it will not create any conflicts
[Added] - Currency conversation as per your WHMCS
[Added] - Optimized/ Added Area graph view
v2022.1 (v2.5)
Release: 04.01.2022
[Fixed] - An issue where VM(s) are getting suspended but not getting powered off during data over usage
[Added] - Support for WHMCS v8.3.x/ v8.4.x
v2021.3 (v2.4)
Release: 12.09.2021
[Fixed] - An issue where VM(s) are getting suspended
[Added] - Rocky Linux and App installation support at client and admin area 
[Added] - Support for WHMCS v8.2.x
v2021.2 (v2.3)
Release: 29.03.2021
[Added] - Auto creation of Configurable Options for each product - This can be achived from Product Modification tab
[Added] - Support for product specific userData/ Cloud Init - This can be configured from product modification tab
[Added] - Now supports Firewall Management, you can add/ delete firewall rules
[Added] - Modification to CSS/ jQuery to fit the design with all custom themes
[Added] - Now specify your custom userData/ Cloud-Init script and save it into userData folder to be used by your customers during order (File sample given)
[Removed] - Configurable Options page for Operating System and Location respective to the projects
[Removed] - Global Cloud-Init/ user Data field from addon page
v2021.1 (v2.2)
Release: 02.01.2021
[Added] - WHMCS v8.1 compatibility with Twenty-One template (BS4)
[Added] - Adjustments in client area template files for Twenty-One
[Added] - None named server - By default it will be created during module Activate/ Upgrade
[Removed] - DataTable JS files, now it will depend on your template
[Added] - All icons "png" to "svg" image
v2020.7 (v2.1)
Release: 04.10.2020
[Added] - For user profile based product view we have implemented tabs for product, it will help in fast loading
[Added] - Added hostname WHMCS Server's Naming system
[Added] - Module Configuration page look and design
[Added] - Email template for VM Rebuild, Rescue Mode Enable/Disable, Password Change activity notification
[Added] - Configurable Options for Location, Operating System, No of IP v4, Backup & Volume
[Added] - Configurable Variable for Location & OS with module addon page
[Added] - Client Area and Product Services page OS and Rescue OS lists as table form
[Added] - Now during VM create it will create the floating IPs (v4)
[Removed] - Custom Field based Location & Operating System for Products
[Removed] - Bootstrap Modal and added Jquery Confirmation modal to support custom templates
v2020.6 (v2.0)
Release: 13.09.2020
[Added] - Auto Suepend VM on bandwidth over usage
[Added] - Disable Auto Suepend of VM from Module Configuration page
[Added] - Support for WHMCS V8.0 and PHP 7.4
[Added] - Default Reverse PTR is now required field
[Added] - Global Cloud-Init Script
[Added] - Addon Module Page optimized and new look added
[Added] - Translation to Products Module Setting Tab
[Fixed] - Not showing Snapshot Images for Client area and Admin product area
[Fixed] - Default reverse PTR during VM creation
[Removed] - Support for WHMCS v7.9 and previous
v2020.5 (v1.9)
Release: 19.05.2020
[Added] - Now you can translate custom fields through the language file
[Added] - Now supporting Snapshots which will allow your user to build Windows VM (You need to create a VM out of ISO)
[Added] - Configuration settings moved from addon page to Module Page
[Added] - Code optimized for DB query
[Added] - Snapshot - Create, Delete, Edit Description, Enable/Disable Protection supported
[Fixed] - Post termination IP, username etc are not getting deleted, which is now fixed
v2020.4 (v1.8)
Release: 04.05.2020
[Added] - Default hostname to product configuration page, which further acts like no need of client specified hostname during VM order 
[Added] - Support for WHMCS v7.10 and latter
[Fixed] - noVNC responsive issue for Windows VM
[Fixed] - Issue with ISO images attach/detach, for which earlier you need to refresh the page to view data, now no need to do so
v2020.3 (v1.7)
Release: 02.02.2020
[Added] - Default volume type (xfs/ext4) option in product configuration page 
[Added] - Minor JQuery tweaks
[Added] - API call method based on new changes
[Added] - Now during Cloud VM create if end user have opted for Backup to Yes and Volume size then it will auto activated during VM deploy (None for Volume size: it must need 10GB as minimum value which is a requirement of Hetzner for Volume)
v2020.2 (v1.6)
Release: 21.01.2020
[Added] - In Client area noVNC console will now open within a popup
[Fixed] - In Client area if Rescue mode is enabled then Rescue mode disable from Overview page is not works, which is not fixed
[Fixed] - In Admin area if you click on Product/Services and change the product to Hetzner Cloud product the URL becames "clientsservices.php?userid=xx&productselect=xx" and in this case you will be getting the page stucks at loading which is now fixed and it works on both cases "clientsservices.php?userid=xx&productselect=xx" and "clientsservices.php?userid=xx&id=xx"
[Fixed] - In Client area sometimes you might get transparent page or JSON parse error which causes to load the module perfectly, which is due to "output_buffering" value is not enabled/set to 4096 in php configuration, and is now fixed and this is being tested on multiple hosting providers before release
[Added] - Improved ajax JQuery calling methods and optimized some codes
v2020.1 (v1.5)
Release: 05.01.2020
[Added] - Bandwidth Graph for Client Area - Now you can view Live, 1 Hour, 12 Hours, 24 Hours, Weekly and 30days graph the way Hetzner has.
[Added] - Language style name change for product edit page
[Added]     - Bandwidth Graph details for Admin Product View Page and Addon VM Manage Page
[Removed] - Some extra codes for better optimization
[Added] - Suspend/ Unsuspend, Terminate, Package Upgrade buttons are now have a new look and is based on service status like: If Service status is Pending/Terminated/Fraud then Create button will show else if Service is Suspended then Terminate/Unsuspend will show else Suspend/Terminate/Package Upgrade
v2019.5 (v1.4)
Release: 29.11.2019
[Improved] - Now added hooks as part of WHMCS module ability so that you don't need to enable load all files from cofiguration page of WHMCS
[Added] - New Client Area/ Product Services (Admin) and Addon module design
[Added] - Real time data update and view like Reverse DNS Setup, Name update Power on/off etc
[Added] - Backup Management option (Create/Delete/Restore/Enable/Disable Backup) - You need to provide the service as Configurable Options product with Name as "Backup" only else it will not work
[Added] - Volume Management option (Create/Enable/Disable Protection/ Rename) - You need to provide the service as Configurable Options product with Name as "Volumes" only else it will not work
[Added] - Floating IP Management (Add ordered No of Floating IP/ Set/Reset Reverse DNS etc) - You need to provide the service as Configurable Options product with name as "Floating IP" only else will not work
[Added] - View current month Graphs (CPU etc) for Client area only
[Removed] - Module License Database and Implemented using WHMCS Database
[Added] - Console for Product Services page for admins
[Added] - Product services based ACL for client area where you can manage which things you wnated to show on client area
[Added] - Now you and your customer can do Upgrade of their services that includes both HDD and Rescources
[Added] - Now we expect the client area template will work on all the custom template else you can take our integration service (chargible) to integrate client area as per your theme
[Improved] -  Licensing system calling
[Added] - Supports PHP 7.3 with WHMCS 7.9 compatibility
[Added] - Language File system so if you are using your location based language then again you need to translate them
v2019.4 (v1.3)
Release: 05.10.2019
[Fix] In admin product view page Password fields are getting null on save changes action which is now resolved
[Improved] Removed any Hetzner name for white level service
[Added] Hetzner Password is now default password for WHMCS along with Dedicated IP, Assigned IP (IPv6) and username i.e now on product create WHMCS will send Cloud VM credentials and you can use default WHMCS VPS/Dedicated Server Welcome Email template
[Added] Supports SSH Key during service order and this can be used for Cloud VM auto deployment, if you want to validate SSH key on regex format then you can edit the product config page and in custom field you will find sshkey custom field and in validation field pass the regex example: #ssh-rsa AAAA[0-9A-Za-z+/]+[=]{0,3} ([^@]+@[^@]+)#
[Added] Supports Custom Scripts, during service order and this can be used for post cloud VM deployment i.e cPanel or any custom script execution
Example as below for cPanel installation post VM creation:
- mkdir /run/whmcsmodule/
- yum install wget -y
- [ cd /home && curl -o latest -L https://securedownloads.cpanel.net/latest && sh latest]

[Improved] Client Area and Product Details page re-designed.
[Added] Access Control list implemented for both Client Area and Product View Page
[Added] Service/ Product Management page added for specific servers based i.e now Cloud VM can be managed from module page which includes: Reboot, Rebuild, Rescue, Enable/Disable Protection etc
[Added] Now supports Cloud VM Console (HTML5 noVNC) within client area and product Management page (On Module Page)
[Removed] WHMCS 7.6.x support as its no more being supported by WHMCS
[Added] Access control to Module Commands based on the server running status
v2019.3 (v1.2)
Release: 21.04.2019
[Improved] Password view for Client Area and Product View page with Password Toggle and/or Show/Hide
[Improved] Minor code changes for looks in Admin Area and Client Area
v2019.2 (v1.1)
Release: 16.04.19
[New] "Please check Hetzner Cloud Console" from Client area to "Please open support ticket."
[Removed] HetznerCloud from Server Actions list from Client Area
[New] Modified License Information section for Module Page
v2019.1 (v1.0)
Release: 24.03.19
Initial Release